Upíří Deníky - Epizody
1×01 Začátek (Pilot)
1×02 Noc s kometou (Night of the Comet)
1×03 Upíří fotbal (Friday Night Bites)
1×04 Krev není voda (Family Ties)
1×05 Mrtvá pravda (You're Undead to Me)
1×06 Zatracené duše (Lost Girls)
1×07 Posedlost (Haunted)
1×08 162. narozeniny (162 Candles)
1×09 Historie se opakuje (History Repeating)
1×10 Nováček (The Turning Point)
1×11 Rodokmen (Bloodlines)
1×12 Tančírna (Unpleasantville)
1×13 Stará láska nerezaví (Children of the Damned)
1×14 Komu není rady (Fool Me Once)
1×15 Tombola (A Few Good Men)
1×16 Změna je život (There Goes the Neighborhood)
1×17 Bouře (Let the Right One In)
1×18 Samá překvapení (Under Control)
1×19 Miss Mystic Falls (Miss Mystic Falls)
1×20 Upíří bratři (Blood Brothers)
1×21 Návrat Isobel (Isobel)
1×22 Den oslav (Founder’s Day)
2×01 Návrat (The Return)
2×02 Konec a začátek (Brave New World)
2×03 Zlý měsíc vychází (Bad Moon Rising)
2×04 Cestou vzpomínek (Memory Lane)
2×05 Kdo z koho (Kill or Be Killed)
2×06 Plán B (Plan B)
2×07 Maškaráda (Masquerade)
2×08 Kletba (Rose)
2×09 Katarína (Katerina)
2×10 Oběť (The Sacrifice)
2×11 Za svitu měsíce (By the Light of the Moon)
2×12 Pád (The Descent)
2×13 Problémy s otcem (Daddy Issues)
2×14 Nářek vlka (Crying Wolf)
2×15 Večeře (The Dinner Party)
2×16 Návštěva (The House Guest)
2×17 Prozření (Know Thy Enemy)
2×18 Poslední tanec (The Last Dance)
2×19 Skutečný Klaus (Klaus)
2×20 Poslední den (The Last Day)
2×21 Rituál (The Sun Also Rises)
2×22 Jak tak umírám (As I Lay Dying)
3×01 Narozeniny (The Birthday)
3×02 Hybrid (The Hybrid)
3×03 Konec jedné aférky (The End of the Affair)
3×04 Znepokojivé chování (Disturbing Behavior)
3×05 Zúčtování (The Reckoning)
3×06 První školní den (Smells Like Teen Spirit)
3×07 Svět duchů (Ghost World)
3×08 Obyčejní lidé (Ordinary People)
3×09 Maturitní ples (Homecoming)
3×10 Nový řád (The New Deal)
3×11 Naše město (Our Town)
3×12 Rodinná pouta (The Ties That Bind)
3×13 Návrat mrtvých (Bringing Out the Dead)
3×14 Nebezpečné známosti (Dangerous Liaisons)
3×15 Všechny moje děti (All My Children)
3×16 1912 (1912)
3×17 Prorazit skrz (Break on Through)
3×18 Vražda jediného (The Murder of One)
3×19 Srdce temnoty (Heart of Darkness)
3×20 Neodcházej jemně (Do Not Go Gentle)
3×21 Před soumrakem (Before Sunset)
3×22 Zesnulý (The Departed)
4×01 Proměna (Growing Pains)
4×02 Rozloučení (Memorial)
4×03 Vztek (The Rager)
4×04 Bratrstvo pěti (The Five)
4×05 Vrah (The Killer)
4×06 Šílenství (We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes)
4×07 Pouto s bratrem (My Brother's Keeper)
4×08 Upírská oddanost (We'll Always Have Bourbon Street)
4×09 Tichá noc (O Come, All Ye Faithful)
4×10 Kouzla po škole (After School Special)
4×11 Jako lovná zvěř (Catch Me If You Can)
4×12 Pohled na smrt (A View to a Kill)
4×13 V divočině (Into the Wild)
4×14 Dávné zlo (Down the Rabbit Hole)
4×15 Stůj při mně (Stand by Me)
4×16 Bez zábran (Bring It On)
4×17 Kouzlo noci (Because the Night)
4×18 Zapadákov (American Gothic)
4×19 Tvůj obraz (Pictures of You)
4×20 Původní (The Originals)
4×21 Emoce (She's Come Undone)
4×22 Živí mrtví (The Walking Dead)
4×23 Maturita (Graduation)
5×01 (I Know What You Did Last Summer)
5×02 (True Lies)
5×03 (Original Sin)
5×04 (For Whom the Bell Tolls)
5×05 (Monster's Ball)
5×06 (Handle with Care)
5×07 (Death and the Maiden)
5×08 (Dead Man on Campus)
5×09 (The Cell)
5×10 (Fifty Shades of Grayson)
5×11 (500 Years of Solitude)
5×12 (The Devil Inside)
5×13 (Total Eclipse of the Heart)
5×14 (No Exit)
5×15 (Gone Girl)
5×16 (While You Were Sleeping)
5×17 (Rescue Me)
5×18 (Resident Evil)
5×19 (Man on Fire)
5×20 (What Lies Beneath)
5×21 (Promised Land)
5×22 (Home)
6×01 (I'll Remember)
6×02 (Yellow Ledbetter)
6×03 (Welcome to Paradise)
6×04 (Black Hole Sun)
6×05 (The World Has Turned and Left Me Here)
6×06 (The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get)
6×07 (Do You Remember the First Time?)
6×08 (Fade Into You)
6×09 (I Alone)
6×10 (Christmas Through Your Eyes)
6×11 (Woke Up with a Monster)
6×12 (Prayer for the Dying)
6×13 (The Day I Tried to Live)
6×14 (Stay)
6×15 (Let Her Go)
6×16 (The Downward Spiral)
6×17 (A Bird in a Gilded Cage)
6×18 (I Could Never Love Like That)
6×19 (Because)
6×20 (I'd Leave My Happy Home for You)
6×21 (I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime)
6×22 (I'm Thinking of You All the While)
7×01 (Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take)
7×02 (Never Let Me Go)
7×03 (Age of Innocence)
7×04 (I Carry Your Heart with Me)
7×05 (Live Through This)
7×06 (Best Served Cold)
7×07 (Mommie Dearest)
7×08 (Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me)
7×09 (Cold as Ice)
7×10 (Hell Is Other People)
7×11 (Things We Lost in the Fire)
7×12 (Postcards from the Edge)
7×13 (This Woman's Work)
7×14 (Moonlight on the Bayou)
7×15 (I Would for You)
7×16 (Days of Future Past)
7×17 (I Went to the Woods)
7×18 (One Way or Another)
7×19 (Somebody That I Used to Know)
7×20 (Kill 'Em All)
7×21 (Requiem for a Dream)
7×22 (Gods & Monsters)
8×01 (Hello Brother)
8×02 (Today Will Be Different)
8×03 (You Decided That I Was Worth Saving)
8×04 (An Eternity of Misery)
8×05 (Coming Home Was a Mistake)
8×06 (Detoured on Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell)
8×07 (The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You)
8×08 (We Have History Together)
8×09 (The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch)
8×10 (Nostalgia's a Bitch)
8×11 (You Made a Choice to Be Good)
8×12 (What Are You?)
8×13 (The Lies Will Catch Up to You)
8×14 (It's Been a Hell of a Ride)
8×15 (We're Planning a June Wedding)
8×16 (I Was Feeling Epic)